Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"I Have a Dream..."

Fourth Grade studied Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and his accomplishments during January.  After watching his famous "I have a dream..." speech they wrote their own version of how they would change the world.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed doing this project it was fun and I got to express my feelings. -P.D.C.

Anonymous said...

I love the drawings and I think many of them should come true. -A.B.

Anonymous said...

The I have a dream posters were so much fun because you had to think globally for problems and think about others -A.S.

Anonymous said...

Doing the dream posters was fun. Stop war. Love and Peace! P.D.

Anonymous said...

I love the dream posters!<3 lol for mine :) –L.U

Anonymous said...

I like the colorful pictures -A.M..